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Apply the delay to generate a point nowcast Generate a point estimate of a completed reporting square (or rectangle) from a reporting triangle that we want to complete with a nowcast and a delay pmf. This code was adapted from code written (under an MIT license) by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology RESPINOW German Hospitalization Nowcasting Hub. Modified from: #nolint


apply_delay(triangle_to_nowcast, delay_pmf)



Matrix of the incomplete reporting triangle to be nowcasted, with rows representing the time points of reference and columns representing the delays


Vector of delays assumed to be indexed starting at the first delay column in triangle_to_nowcast


expectation, matrix of the same number of rows and columns as the triangle_to_nowcast but with the missing values filled in as point estimates


triangle <- matrix(
    80, 50, 25, 10,
    100, 50, 30, 20,
    90, 45, 25, NA,
    80, 40, NA, NA,
    70, NA, NA, NA
  nrow = 5,
  byrow = TRUE
delay_pmf <- get_delay_estimate(
  triangle = triangle,
  max_delay = 3,
  n_history = 4
reporting_square <- apply_delay(
  triangle_to_nowcast = triangle,
  delay_pmf = delay_pmf
#>      [,1] [,2]     [,3]     [,4]
#> [1,]   80   50 25.00000 10.00000
#> [2,]  100   50 30.00000 20.00000
#> [3,]   90   45 25.00000 17.77778
#> [4,]   80   40 23.15789 15.90643
#> [5,]   70   35 20.26316 13.91813